Corporate culture
Our corporate and investment culture derives from the characteristics of equity, strength, prudence and temperance. These values build the basis of the investment strategy for water infrastructure and the research and valuation process of infrastructure assets.
Through the specialization and focus on infrastructure, we fulfill our social and sustainable commitment in the sense of value creation within the local society and global economy.
Sustainable added value
The corporate culture is reflected in our investment philosophy, which is based on our strong conviction, that actively managed infrastructure investments and assets generate a sustainable value for investors over a medium und long-term investment horizon.
Infrastructure investments consist of 4 main performance drivers:
Investment analysis: fundamental research & valuation model
The fundamental investment research is based on our values and experience in equity and credit analysis. The heart of our investment process is our valuation model (3-phase excess-cashflow-model), tested over the various market cycles, which determines the fair value of an investment for the shareholder by discounting the future cashflows to the present value.
« This active investment approach leads to a stable and successful investment performance »
Our long-term value creation from investment analysis and research, which ultimately flows into our investment decisions, is based on publicly available information or directly provided by company management, media, independent third parties or investment banks.
«Our global network leads to global investment opportunities»
Sinserstrasse 65
CH-6330 Cham / Schweiz
+41 41 711 10 20
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